Webelos Scout:
Cast Iron Chef
YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Do you know the part of the scout oath where we promise to do our best to keep ourselves physically strong? What do you think that means? What are some of the ways you keep yourself physically strong? Did you say exercise? Yes, that’s part of it. Did you also say eating healthy? If so, then YES! You’re right. A healthy well balanced diet is a BIG part of keeping ourselves physically strong! Our bodies need the right fuel to give us the energy we need for all our scouting adventures!
In this adventure, Webelos Scouts will learn about good nutrition, how to safely cook meals in the outdoors, and how to balance meal planning and finances.
Order The Adventure Box Now!
In the box your will receive:​​​
Fist Aid box for building your kit
First Aid Supplies Starter Kit: Band-Aids, gloves, gauze, antibiotic ointment
Ready to Help Card Game by Federal Emergency Management Administration
Tick Key Remover
Printed Lesson Guide
Printed Workbook
Printed Resource Guide
Printed First Aid Flash Cards
Printed Family Communication Plan
First Responder Adventure Pin
Orienteering Compass